Unfit to wear footie boots by the looks of it, never mind that treasured blue shirt !We bought him injured and unfit? medical staff obviously missed that.
To paraphrase one of the more sensible mutterings of my avatar, 'ask a man to show you what he can do, then you will know what he cannot do. Otherwise he would have showed you.' I'll judge him when I've seen 30 minutes in a game from him.Should give him more game time, no one has any idea what he can and cant do, we bought him, just play him and lets find out.
Can't judge a player on 5 minutes. Only way we should be putting players on that late in the game because of injuries or to run down the clock. Idiotic subs like this do the player no favours. If guys like molby and brolin were fit enough to last a game then this lad surely is, just give him a decent run out.
I heard, some weeks ago, that old OUMAR was causing quite a stir down at FF purely because he's so poor, 'astonishingly so' it was said and to the point were it was causing a bit of behind-back piss-taking & palaver etc...
I assumed, hoped actually, that it was a load of ballcocks & cobblers.
Not so sure now TBH.
Woahh this guy looked beneath sunday league level today! I was actually shocked by just how bad he did in his 7 minute spell. Will only start to properly judge him next season like but he could be a disaster