How much jail time for skipping out on the last year? Maybe it would take President Trump longer than 8 months to mobilize troops against Agrabah?
Too much and a permanent scar on my record barring me from any career best just to stick it out and fight the world I guess.How much jail time for skipping out on the last year? Maybe it would take President Trump longer than 8 months to mobilize troops against Agrabah?
Someone with your heritage and job experience would probably be welcomed anywhere in Europe, put a few feelers out.I am seriously starting to sweat about the momentum Trump has. How hard is it to get a visa for a country in Western Europe or New Zealand?
Too much and a permanent scar on my record barring me from any career best just to stick it out and fight the world I guess.
Lot of my, OK reasonably leftist, American friends think Bloomberg has a good chance!Former NYC mayor Bloomberg has said he would run if Trump and Sanders were to become their respective party candidates. I feel like he could pull a lot of votes from both parties.
As soon as the Shareef is out of my hair.Drop the bombs between the minarets
I am seriously starting to sweat about the momentum Trump has. How hard is it to get a visa for a country in Western Europe or New Zealand?
New Zealand is ridiculously hard
I would not necessarily want Sanders either. He's scary in another way. I'd take him over all the Reublicans save for Kasich but he invited a lot of problems to the US. This is the worst election I'll be voting in.
In May I will have an MS in mathematics along with an MS in Foreign Service. I'm employable anywhere. And I completely agree about Cruz. They're all dangerous though.Interesting. I always heard New Zealand was the easiest, if you hold a college degree. They have brain drain problems with Australia, and if your skill set is on their "in-demand" list it's almost a straight ticket in. As far as I know, Europe is hard because you're competing against everybody in the EU.
Basically every other developed nation on the planet uses Sanders' platform as policy.
Similarly, I've been hedging. Started squirreling away money, which is either going to be a down payment on a house here in Milwaukee or to cover expense for a grad school program in Germany. Not quite sure which way I'm going yet...
Given tonight's results thus far, I actually consider Cruz to be more dangerous than Trump.
Trump is pandering. Cruz is serious.
In May I will have an MS in mathematics along with an MS in Foreign Service. I'm employable anywhere. And I completely agree about Cruz. They're all dangerous though.
In May I will have an MS in mathematics along with an MS in Foreign Service. I'm employable anywhere. And I completely agree about Cruz. They're all dangerous though.
I really hope so but I'm not entirely sure at this point. Will be crushed if I'm not.I thought you were off to SE Ingerland?
50%/49%, delegates evenly split between Clinton and Sanders
...So is it on or not? I'm not really sure.