Player Valuation: £10m
There is no way Trump is not winning the Republican nomination. Good chance he could be our next president. Christ on a bike, our country is a mess.
There is no way Trump is not winning the Republican nomination. Good chance he could be our next president. Christ on a bike, our country is a mess.
It's the end of the worrrrrrrrrrrrrrld as we know it.
...and I don't feel fine.
Thank God some of you don't. What the hell is going on over there????
1 That has been every president for a long while now.
2 Wow, just wow.
3 IMO it's not going to be great if it happens but there have been a string of decisions from presidents on both "sides" of the aisle that have been swept under the rug that have had a huge impact on things you're talking about but no one ever talks about. A couple of the most recent being Obama's illegal irresponsible drone war and his signing into law the newest version of a sedition act that does not guarantee a trial by jury (a constitutional right) or being charged of any crime to be indefinitely detained without that information being passed to the family. That comes into effect if you fall into a broad brush characterization of a domestic terrorist. Scary things are being done underneath our noses all the time but all anyone seems to care about is just who gets elected every four years not really what they do.
Fox NewsNPR has brainwashed half the country.
This is pretty telling.
Now I'm not saying it's the stupid that vote for Trump, but I am thinking it loudly.
Horrors. I'll watch out for that. Sounds like I'd get cooties.Fox 'News' isn't even news...it's just editorial journalism that is brainwashing conservative voters (if you can't see that then I fear you may be a victim). Rush Limbaugh is also a huge contributor.
Horrors. I'll watch out for that. Sounds like I'd get cooties.
I can't recall ever seeing Rush on Fox to tell the truth, but I don't watch it much. Watching TV news is a mug's game. It's all a channel of some flavor of propaganda, whether it's MSNBC, Fox, CNN, or the networks. Roger Ailes just perceived the profit potential in packaging a news channel that didn't [Poor language removed] over half the country every night. They're all on the downslope, anyway. This Trump thing just puts a spotlight on that.
Horrors. I'll watch out for that. Sounds like I'd get cooties.
I can't recall ever seeing Rush on Fox to tell the truth, but I don't watch it much. Watching TV news is a mug's game. It's all a channel of some flavor of propaganda, whether it's MSNBC, Fox, CNN, or the networks. Roger Ailes just perceived the profit potential in packaging a news channel that didn't insult the intelligence of over half the country every night. They're all on the downslope, anyway. This Trump thing just puts a spotlight on that.
True, though they can occasionally be hilarious.
Take the 2012 election for instance, when the world got to watch Karl Rove spend ten minutes clutching at straws claiming that it wasn't over, only to have Megyn Kelly and a legion of Fox drones tell him that, actually, it was.
I was talking about Limbaugh's radio show...I sometimes listen to it for the 'comedy' of it all. A bigoted conservative bellend if there ever were...his net worth is $410 mill for it.