Is there an ignore button? Here on GOT too?
It really chuffs me off that obsessive coverage by our media, of an election that has nothing to do with us, on the other side of the planet, over a year in advance. They only discuss our own elections 6 months in advance, and that's 5 months too early ffs.
You could just ignore the thread mate.
Not that I can be arsed watching debates, but what's the take on last night's GOP effort? I keep reading that it was Rubio vs Cruz and Trump didn't run away with it like the last few. If so, then it looks like we have 4 leading candidates right now for the GOP bid?
Thought Rubio and Paul both had good debates. Kasich made a lot of good points and really set himself apart but appeared too aggressive in my opinion. Trump and Carson looked out of their depth, which is to be expected, this is was easily the wonkiest debate.
Bush is donezo. I can see how Fiorina appeals to some people, but most of what she says is worthless platitudes (even more so than normal politicians, which is ironic, because part of her appeal is that she's not a politician). Cruz is subhuman scum and one of the few people on this planet I wish harm upon, but he had an okay debate.
Was there anybody else? I don't care if there was.
Defo seems like Rubio is the GOP's best shot. I still think he'll wilt in the general election, but I think they'll ALL wilt in the general. Not only is Hillary a good candidate, the Republican political machine has, uh, kinda [Poor language removed] up majorly. They've blown their entire load against her way before it even matters. What's left to attack her on, really?
In modern politics, you have to tack too far to the right to win the GOP primary, which then makes it extremely hard to do well in the general. McCain and Romney both had this problem. Whoever gets the nod this time is going to have the same problem.