There is a Chinese proverb that I find myself more and more frequently using: "nothing of beauty lasts." I will stubbornly hold on to my cultural heritage until the day I die. It's not that I think it's superior to any other, but these differences are what make the planet interesting, not uniformly beige. Furthermore, it is ultimately arrogant to assume that the current generation has things right, whereas the massed tradition of billions of previous human brains must have had it wrong. True, there are improvements, but not to spelling!
Suplhur has been spelled with a 'ph' since the Greeks and the Romans ... and only since 1990 has IUPAC been conned into spelling it with an 'f' by a solitary nation who have a reputation in the English speaking world for poor spelling who, it seems from your post, take spelling cues from its children! It proves the power of salesmanship over substance, which is the other cultural thing I try to resist (with increasing difficulty ... as 'substance' in terms of quality is dropping away practically everywhere).
In a previous post, I was told that I must take an interest in the next President of the United States, because the outcome will affect me. If this is the case, then I demand a vote. If that nation is unwilling to hand us votes, then I would like to request that they keep themselves to themselves, and not presume to impose their culture.