I’ll be quite open about my feelings, I can’t stand him, I find him an incredibly dislikable person, smug, sneering and with a huge chip on his shoulder. He also has lots of form for blaming the board, the players or anybody else he can think of as soon as things start going wrong.
That being said, while I can see improvement on the pitch I can tolerate him. You don’t have to like the manager to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Harry Catterick was never popular with a sizable section of the fans, I was one of them, but, it didn’t stop me adoring the finest team I ever saw at club level in the late 60’s. He was difficult to like personally but you had to admire him. Whether or not I will come to admire Benitez in time depends on what he achieves on the pitch.
For the record though, it is possible that I will come to admire him, but, I will never like him, not just because he is a redskin icon, more because he seems quite an unsavory individual. I know, I know, something something charity, something something, honorary scouser, something, something.