Of course not all muslims are extremists who are willing to strap bombs to themselves. But Islam as an ideology is extreme by nature and if you follow it to the letter of the law then non muslims aren't equal human beings. Brought into modern day western society many of them hold racist and actually quite fascist beliefs. There's this myth going around that because they are ethnic (or the majority are, Islam isn't a race ffs) that they cant be racist. Bollocks. There attitudes to the white or even just the non muslim man is appalling at times. Its why we have this epidemic of all muslim peodophile gangs abusing specifically white young girls because they're religion allows them to. Mohammad had sex with a 9 year old didn't he? Or something like that. Again, ask a muslim girls brothers or cousins if its ok for her to go out with that white boy and see what they say to you. The majority of them would be like 'no chance' and in some cases respond with violence. Ask them what they think of The Jews. Yup. Islam and Fascism run hand in hand.