I’d give us a B+. Bernard pushed it from a middling c as he could give us a serious creative midfield talent we been looking for. Gomes might solve our never replaces Artera issue... don’t know.
But as we still have a Lukaku sized hole that we couldn’t fill , although maybe Richarlison can do it, can’t be an A for me.
But I’ve learnt from last year.. I’ll judge the window based on results. We all thought last year we had done well only to find we were left totally unbalanced.. it’s doesnt feel that way, and I’m excited but won’t start celebrating yet
But, that is true of every club. Liverpool have spent 200m and none of them may work out. Fulham have spent 100m and could still be relegated.sure, doesn't make it a good window though unless they players turn out well.
I was 6/7 too, as we`ve been here before with false dawns.
In the last 3 seasons we have spent 330m on transfers.
Liverpool 370m
Everton 330m
Arsenal 225m.
Tottenham 170m
Net spend
Everton 165m
Arsenal 120m
Liverpool 100m
tottenham 70m
were rolling with the big boys here and we should have a team capable of going for 4th