Whack a bet on for Wolves to win . Could be squids inCORNET NOT IN SQUID
Whack a bet on for Wolves to win . Could be squids inCORNET NOT IN SQUID
At this stage it's the fight in the team not the team in the fight.View attachment 163403
If we finish below this lot of chuggers then it’s beyond shameful. State of that team.
I feel like doing the same . Just distance myself from knowing we are playing . Like, do a fast pace away from the thought ha . But I will guarantee you , I would be checking my phone every minuteIm not in the slightest bit apprehensive. I don’t even think I can be bothered to watch and might go the cinema instead.
He's trout due to injury.How about an octopus?
That is probably a bonus for Burnley to be fair, the way he has been going after he scored v usCORNET NOT IN SQUID
Oh for heavens hake !He's trout due to injury.
I feel like doing the same . Just distance myself from knowing we are playing . Like, do a fast pace away from the thought ha . But I will guarantee you , I would be checking my phone every minute
I've been building a little RC buggy track in my back garden, the wife is fuming about it but it's a right laugh. Got one of these beauties on order for TuesdayYeah I’m kidding myself to be honest. I might go for a walk instead, there is a canal nearby , got any weights?
? go for a walk, just leave ya phone at home ! Could come back to find a supriseYeah I’m kidding myself to be honest. I might go for a walk instead, there is a canal nearby , got any weights?