two factors contribute majorly around us staying up, or us getting swept into the bottom 3:
A) can we get on top of the homesickness pandemic sweeping the squad?
B) the choice for this year's Blue Chrimbo panto.
Everton is known as 'the family club', whereby football plays secondary fiddle to our brave lionhearts' performance aiding community charities and institutions such as orphanages, work houses and wet nursing homes. Whether such important social contribution is enough to alleviate homesickness is a moot point. I fear however that we might have too many 'mummies boys' in our squad...closet* dress-wearing cry-babies. A team full of big girls' blouses who prefer soy based faux meat product over a real man's steak, suggests to me a high level of oestrogen in the squad, which might enhance breast growth (i.e. man-boobs)...but will do little to alleviate homesickness.
* or not closet...see Eton Dom's recent photo shoot.