How do you solve a problem like Richarlison? He’s a striker, a no9, he wants to be in the centre and his best form this season has come when he’s played there. I’d say you start one of him or Dom but we’re so short of quality there’s not replacement on that left side so you have to stick Richie there. The lack of depth in the squad, especially given the millions we’ve waisted over the last 5 years is criminal. Right now, a player who should be part of the solution is becoming a massive part of the problem!
So play a 4-4-2?
I’d be anyone’s biatch for over £100,000 a weekFootballing slave has tickled me, I can't lie. Has to be one of the worst shouts I've seen for a while.
Correct. Needs to go back on the left permanently or we need to buy a left winger.The problem is that we are so weak on the left side of midfield when we move Richarlison more central.
I love it. Take Richarlison, a flawed player who hasn't been able to reach his full potential on the wing, and replace him with Zaha, a flawed player who has already been moved off the wing because he never fully reached his potential there and lose money in the process. It's just brilliant business.I dont blame Wilf for the occasional sulk - lads a footballing slave who's been stuck at Palace until his retirement because of an underhanded Chairman and amateur agent.
I love it. Take Richarlison, a flawed player who hasn't been able to reach his full potential on the wing, and replace him with Zaha, a flawed player who has already been moved off the wing because he never fully reached his potential there and lose money in the process. It's just brilliant business.
It isn't like I'm nitpicking. They're both "wingers" who don't really create chances. That's a flaw!Wilf a flawed player lol
Richarlison a flawed player lol
Who u think Everton are mate?
Which perfect player we signing without European togger? lol
It isn't like I'm nitpicking. They're both "wingers" who don't really create chances. That's a flaw!
Yeah we aren't good and I'm sure the way to get better would be to sign players who aren't better than what we have (this doesn't include Coutinho) and also are at an age where they won't improve.When people realise we aint that good the sooner they stop looking down their noses at players like Coutinho, Wilf, Ings etc. who would all walk into this squad.
He’s not half as good as you describe him.richardlison wont improve , his flaws are core flaws wich you try to correct as a Jr player in the academy . he lacks ball control to receive passes : half of the game is on the ball control, even more important to a striker, if a striker sticks the ball to his feet on the first touch thats it, thats half the goal there. he simply cant , wich is god awful.
for those who say he plays better as a number 9 or central attacker... lol NO. a very important role of a 9 is to be able to hold the ball with his back towards the goal, serve as a pivot , a resting place for incoming midfielders to pass the ball and look for the pass on the space... guess what , you NEED to be able to receive the ball WITH A DEFENDER ON YOUR BACK.. richardlison cant even catch a ball alone , with a defender on his back? nope .
his decition making is horrible, he runs tru a defender with a clear open receiver on the side or tries a low % long shot with other options available, THIS MAY improve with time , but seems to me , his ego plays against him on this, he just seems to think he is too capable to even think about his playchoices..
Yes he lays a hand on defense, but you dont buy a striker for those traits.. you want him to score and be a problem for oposing teams, in the same way you dont buy a defender to score goals, you shouldnt buy a striker to defend.
if richardlison wasnt brazilian.. lets say he was from PERU.. or mexico, you wouldhave kicked him back to southamerica a long time ago, cuz lets face it... he LACKS core skills , the only thing that made his price so high (35m LOl) was his passport. i see better or equal players every single weekend on the brazilian league or copa libertadores. james with his horrible fit record has similar numbers to him .... wich is just horrible.