Now I know for sure some of the "fans" do not watch the game or they watch the game to find stuff to blame Benitez. Richarlison clearly went down in the first half holding his calf and was limping after. Yet you have the anti Benitez crowd here saying that he's lying about the injury, forcing player out blah blah blah.
Now reports coming out confirming that he is injured, "why didn't he take him out earlier" becomes the new stick, ignoring the fact that Benitez already said he noticed the injury and wanted to sub him out during half time but the player wanted to try. Without sending him for a scan right there and then, he trusted the player and let him play. 10 minutes later and it became obvious Richarlison was having problems, he subbed him out but Richarlison being Richarlison didn't take it well. He would have played with one leg if he could and you wish the whole team had that kind of dedication.
I don't know if the toxic posters are the majority or minority but they sure are the loudest here and it's such a shame.