This is like waiting for a transfer on deadline day.Still not sacked. Off to bed win nout happening.
Hopefully tomorrow is the day.
Tennis balls it is then. 21st minute to symbolise 21 years without a trophy. Tennis balls to symbolise the board not having the balls to move the club forward.
BoD meeting to ratify decision already made and reported/speculated/discussed for days on these boards - ahead of the game like always.
Oh come on, only 21? More like 21,000 LOL
Lol at the white hanky thing getting a mention
I'll be sad in a way when he's gone.
He had a grand plan, almost pulled it off, then gradually couldn't replicate the magic through primarily his own stubbornness
Everything he did to try and achieve his plan since May 2014 has moved him further away from the goal
No one should be blamed for thinking big - he just couldn't achieve it, and it's painul when someone is so clearly out of his depth as he is now. Stabilised it March-May 2015 by reverting to dull workmanlike grinding victories, but couldn't even do that this season
Obviously I'll be relieved like, because we have been atrocious other than glimpses since at least Stoke away.
Sterling: So Kammy whats the latest at Goodison, tennis balls are in the air, are we in for a big delay?
Kammy: No jeff, there was tennis balls thrown onto the pitch but only 21 of them so the players / groundstaff have cleared them all off with a delay of about 10 seconds. Games kicked off again and Everton are under a bit of pressure here.
Whole studio: Laughs.