Noticed in the podcast he sidestepped the query on his long term future at Everton.
he'll be another ex of yours soon lad
Noticed in the podcast he sidestepped the query on his long term future at Everton.
Noticed in the podcast he sidestepped the query on his long term future at Everton.
Highest points tally since 1987. Not a bad start for Bobby. A few right moves by the board and by Bobby in the market and there could be some prizes on the horizon.
Highly doubt that, even if it had legs. He rejected a few times while at Wigan, and I doubt he'd just flat out abandon the thing that he's building with us just to go to Barca all like that. It is Barcelona, but there he'd probably not get the same freedom as here, and he'd also have lots of egos to "fight" with.SSN being mischievious or what 'Will Barca come calling for Martinez?'
SSN being mischievious or what 'Will Barca come calling for Martinez?'
SSN being mischievious or what 'Will Barca come calling for Martinez?'
he'll be another ex of yours soon lad