Just your opinion pal doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it I'm afraidTell your two mates to find another sport because football isn't for them... Lukaku scores goals even when he has a poor game. Heard some tripe but that is ridiculous. Lukaku was far from great today but it's almost offensive to label him in not even the same bracket as those two!!
Just your opinion pal doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it I'm afraid
Linked being the operative word. Let's see if the top champs league clubs feel the same way as some of our supporters about him in the next couple of windows. My humble opinion is he'll still be with us in the years to come despite the efforts of him and his agentsI agree everyone will have an opinion but there is a reason that Lukaku is linked with big money moves despite being a mardy-arse who plays when he feels like it. Lukaku is a world class finisher - the most valuable commodity in football. Negredo has had good seasons but lacks the consistent record of Lukaku who is still years from his peak. Randon is a decent finisher and holds the ball up much better than rom but other than his hold up play rom schools him in every other department.
Linked being the operative word. Let's see if the top champs league clubs feel the same way as some of our supporters about him in the next couple of windows. My humble opinion is he'll still be with us in the years to come despite the efforts of him and his agents
Fair enough. Time will tell, enjoy the rest of your evening squireUnfortunately for us he won't be here in two seasons and if he is he will have scored another 50 goals and people will still be on his case for not running around like the straq.
And yourself sirFair enough. Time will tell, enjoy the rest of your evening squire
Lukaku is a worldy playing in a below average team, he scores goals that keeps our head above water, so give him the praise he deserves... or we'd have a player who can link play up instead, play better football as a team and be much better off.
Lukaku is a worldy playing in a below average team, he scores goals that keeps our head above water, so give him the praise he deserves
If he was a worldy he would not still be here.Lukaku is a worldy playing in a below average team, he scores goals that keeps our head above water, so give him the praise he deserves
he wont be soonIf he was a worldy he would not still be here.
Been hearing that for 18mthshe wont be soon
Sorry mate. Solid you. Learn to spell too you thick [Poor language removed].