That could be as true as it is disturbing.
Although we need players for specific areas to sign, all indications are that the most imminent transfer activity will be to see these two leave our club. Not what is wanted at all.
In all reality, it is a fair indictment of the unholy mess El Loco and BS Billy have left our club. The legacy of Bob Martins lingers on, long after he has left. That was because he was allowed to remain in charge of our club for eighteen months longer than he should have been. All overseen by Bill and his bumbling band of sycophants.
The fans knew he had been sourced to be in charge of our club to a position where he had been promoted way beyond his competence. What none of us knew, was just how much damage he had done, and is still doing, to our club.
It now appears more likely we will see key players depart. If that happens, it will be doubly difficult to induce key players to join.
Something in the shape of incoming transfers needs to be expedited. NOW!