One question for the folk complaining that Koeman's team has been too direct
Have you guys and gals ever sat back to consider that perhaps some people actually like that style of football?
It seems to me like you think there's only one acceptable way to play football and that's in an aesthetic manner with lots of technical skill and passing, but have you ever stopped to think that not everyone agrees with you?
You seem to be operating under the assumption that your stance is objective as opposed to subjective
Different people like different things
I remember seeing comments during the Martinez years that our fan base was in need of "re-education" and had to be "weaned" from more direct football
Well perhaps people don't need to be weaned and perhaps they don't want to be re-educated? Maybe they just want to like what they like without the tactical nazis stomping on them for enjoying a nice cross into the box for the target man?
For me, I don't mind a bit of direct route one stuff on occasion. Would I want it all the time? No, probably not. But would I like it if we played on the whole more direct with a dash of flair here and there? Yes, I probably would
I think too many people are labouring under the misconception that lots of people want loads of passing and step overs. As many people as there is who go to the match to be entertained first and see the team win second, there's as many, if not more, who simply want to go and see their team win. And if they have to win ugly, then so be it