It's actually not mate. I find it depressing that this man in the dugout we have right now confirms with almost every public pronouncement my fears about his attitude. He's very thin skinned if he took anything of what Martinez had to say out of context and then go on some pathetic attack against a former Everton manager. It underlines his insecurities as a manager and adds nothing whatsoever to his standing. But it's not just with Martinez as we know. His attitude towards certain players and certain situations that have happened outside the club underline a worrying disrespect and petulance that is in no way becoming of an Everton manager. That sort of gobiness might be ok at other clubs like Newcastle, Liverpool. Chelsea or wherever, but it's not something I want associated with this club.
The last few weeks have been positive for us on the field, so what this new outburst does is deflect from that and potentially much more: it sets him and us up for a fall. Hubris is usually met with a swift kick in the balls at some point. We all know that in this game what goes around comes around.