I dunno about that, Mike.
Certainly I have not seen anyone post words to that effect.
Which is in sharp contrast to the last few months of last season when many of our friends on here were openly posting that they did not want to see Everton win the Cup just in case it bought Roberto more time in the job
In short "people on here" would rather have seen Martinez "get sacked rather than lead us to a trophy"
(It was a belt and braces approach they were taking as the more sensible among us knew Roberto's days were numbered whether we won the Cup or not...so the scorched earth merchants would have enjoyed the sadly all to rare sight of an Everton skipper holding a trophy aloft as well as ushering in the splendid new era we are all so enthralled with this season

Evertonians openly posting they did not want us to win a cup simply because they had a bee in their bonnets over the Everton manager at the time.
How bizarre is that?
And that is irrefutable, my friend.
As you well know