Absolutely buzzing to wake up to this message - I have missed it so much and my fitness has bombed. I then just end up in the pub.
Muddy runners
Hello gentlemen! Quirky and Rich were having a chat and thinking about starting this going again… it’s been a few years.
Some of us, myself included, are in a lower state of fitness that we’d like, so, with apologies to those of you who have been on top of your hill running, we’re thinking about keeping this shorter and slower than we would have done in years past. To begin with, we’ll aim for muddy routes of about 1.5 hours and ~10k. Walking up hills, not punishing our middle-aged selves too much until, as a group, we can increase our speed and distance.
First run this Wednesday at 20.20 at the bottom of the Lane (where we met at the past). Be there for 8.15pm as we’re going to implement a hard start at 20.20, there or not. And get your head-torches sorted in the next few days.
Let us know if you want to be part of Muddy Runners 2.0. No hard feelings, of course, if you want to bow out. Lots has changed in our lives and fitness (for better and worse). Maybe this one we can resurrect.