Will this fella give us that?
He has not done at any club he has been at before so in all of his glorious managerial roles that he has had.
If he was a good manager why don’t Arsenal go for him.
He has already said this week that getting 7th or 8 th next season will be good, depending on recruitment.
I want more from my club
Thats the question i dont think fans know what they really want. Or what constitutes entertainment.
To be honest i think he deserves the opportunity to develop a team in the summer, im not a particular advocate of his, but i have a philosophy on management and i believe a club should back a manager once appointed. I think he is a good recruiter and believe the club needs consistency and stability in the season ahead all the afore mentioned aspects are things we need in the immediate future.
I actually believe he listens to fans and tries to accommodate, look at Vlasic playing last week and Klassen yesterday, there are times i believe he has tried to expansively and we got tonked as well. Can he vary the style and make it more entertaining i think he can.
Arsenal are a good point to bring up as are Chelsea, they will both be recruiting this summer and will have a better pick in the market then us, its a bad time to be recruiting a manager in my opinion.
I think judgments change next season really its about being compeititive for the CL and a crack at trophies, this season was a write off before he came to be honest. That can only be underwritten by good prep, stability and good recruitment a change of manager and a new regime doesnt lend itsself to that in my opinion.
Yes, everyone wants to win league with their club, the reality is Everton are the ugly mate in gang of six clubs, we think we should be going with the hottest thing is place, but ultimately we have limits and arent the most attractive thing in the bar, The sooner we accept our relative position the sooner we can work to incrementally improve it. That will be process rather then a event.
Fans are fickle and they dont know what they want, in recent years we have hero worshiped both Martinez and Koeman, ultimately we have vilified them. Some years they want style of play and entertainment (Martinez), other times they want results and being competitive (Koeman). Ultimately its very impulsive and reactionary and wishy washy, i dont believe its whats best for Everton and i think the board is remiss on putting to much stock in fan reaction, of course its important, but ultimately if the tail is wagging the dog its doomed to failure, as we have seen in the last three years.