Came in to a powder puff team and a boardroom that was a chaotic Clownshow.
Throughout his time here, he was left hung out to dry by those upstairs. And had to go it alone and be the frontman for all of the extraordinary, unjust and unheard of events that were taking place. Dealt with it admirably. Respect and thanks.
Teamwise. After lampard - he gave us back a degree of identity. Effort, fight and team spirit. Kept us up twice. Must be respected.
This season. Started or tried to go a new way. Got bitten. Twice shy. Bournemouth and villa. Reverted to type. I guess wanted points on the board and perhaps would've then tried again with more open football. Who knows.
The ire he's received lately (since Xmas especially) i find a little unjust - results wise. Our expectations before our "fixtures of hell" were minimal. Many expecting we'd be in the relegation places. Didn't happen. In isolation, fans happy with the results. But, when looked at as a group, suddenly crap. Fans complaining. A lot retrospectively. City are cack should've beaten them etc. forest and Bournemouth granted, we were terrible and toothless. Dyche again seeking safety in what he knows. Right or wrong.
Media comments.... Oh dear. Here's where the wheels fell off.
10 years experience. Problems there before. Hardest job ever. Change the narrative. Balance between defence and attack. Sniffing chances. Personnel. Rinse and repeat.
All of these points, especially with 10 years experience, are the nuts and bolts of being a manager. That's the job. Indirectly, he was saying he wasn't doing it.
The asylum gained traction. He's gone.
Must admit, i was weary of getting rid now. As I still thought he'd have kept us up, which is, and was, the priority this season. People seem to forget, 2 months ago we had no ownership.
He's gone.
I'm happy to see someone "new" ... whether it's nostalgia or not. Moyes gives me a degree of comfort in the change. I'm happy he's back. Much happier than when first mooted before Carlo came. Moyes showed again with West ham in the interim what he's capable of. This, at the moment is exactly what we need.
Far moreso, than Fonseca or other unknown quantities. Our predicament is too delicate to throw the dice. We've had enough sea changes recently. We're not at the stage for a Martinez, Silva or potter.
Moyes is a perfect transition from a dyche team and "tactics". Also, experienced in doing it all himself. Where we end up, we'll see. But if he does what he did in the first 11 years we'll be fine.
Thanks Sean for giving us the chance to continue to hope. But with you, in the long-term at least we are / were hopeless.