Mon dieu!Double crunch!
Chocolate in the fridge... monster
I sell expensive chocolate for a living, among other things, and chocolate should never be kept in the fridge. It absorbs flavours from other things in the fridge, chilling it stops it releasing the full flavour, much like putting ice in whisky does. It spoils the texture and it causes sugar bloom, which is where condensation dissolves some of the sugar, which re-crystallises, leaving you with a chocolate which is grainy and has a white surface layer. Any creamy, silky textures which you would have otherwise enjoyed are lost, leaving you with hard, granular chocolate.
Stop it.
Solid rustlers to slimfast ratio..
What are them white oval things on the 2nd shelf down far right? I can't see the label
Can't get my head around keeping chocolate in the fridge, might as well put crisps and bread in there
Do crisps melt
Eye opening thread this.Can't get my head around keeping chocolate in the fridge, might as well put crisps and bread in there
It's mostly chocolateSo far I would say that the average GOT fridge is filled with 70% booze, 10% OOD salad, 10% eggs, 5% brown sauce 4% rustler burgers and 1% severed toes.
Pretty much as you’d expect.
Stop putting sauces In the fridge ffs