If you're looking for a change, it's got a lot of things going on...highlights for me are nose and finish.
Nose, Palete, Its all getting a bit pretentious now, all a bit...'the emperor's new clothes' when they have to list
Dark chocolate, smoked vanilla, fruit peel, etc, etc.
"Isn't it grand! Isn't it fine! Look at the cut, the style, the line!
The suit of clothes is all together
But all together it's all together
The most remarkable suit of clothes that I have ever seen.
These eyes of mine at once determined
The sleeves are velvet, the cape is ermine
The hose are blue and the doublet is a lovely shade of green.
If I see it at a decent price, I'll try it and if it tastes ok, I'll put it on the list to buy it again...if the price is right.
Personal Taste Vs Current Price and general affordability, that's what governs my whisky drinking, not poncey labels
And I wouldn't trust most of them to not put some sort of artificial Smokey flavour in cheap shight whisky either.
End of mini rant