Tennessee Blue Mike
Player Valuation: £50m
See another positive. Chico you will have to do a top ten. Then we may feel more comfitable about this.

Thanks Mick.
Is it really true the only cost could be around 10 million to the club?
Is it true that Tesco is using his contractors to build a 75 million stadium for around 50 million.
Will Davey really get around 10 million from the excess revenue per year for player needs.
Something has to be wrong doesn't it? Maybe I'm to skepticle but I have always been told to be leary of a free lunch and this about amounts to it.
Is there really no plan B?
Last thought. I agree I love the look of the Colonge stadium myself so if its in the ballpark of that it will be smashing. I think this will make a excellent statement to world in general that Everton will hold it place amongst the elite again. A earlier comment summed it up to, players would be extremely interested playing in this new stadium and I'm sure the avid fan would like the facility that would rival some of best in the land. So whats not to like about it besides leaving the City?
Well, you aren't going to please everybody, and frankly, I think that expecting the Emirates, for free is a bit of a long shot.
And one more: