ExactlyWe could well be, and I am sure you are familier with the narrative re the long game in play there. Might be a load of rubbish, but when a few of us mused about it 4 years ago, every single thing we thought might happen, have.
But yeah, ultimately, its the virus that will dictate for now; hopefully not for ever though.
Could also be a sign that there is something amiss with Harry...Harry Redknapp tipping Spurs to win the league yesterday.
Could be a sign that we beat them on the opening day of the season given they thumped us first game when we won the title in the 80s.
Don't think its spurs or their fans in general just one head patterWhy the hate for Spurs y'all? Way worse clubs than them! They're probably my second favourite club in the league to be honest, although that's probably cos I've got quite a few Spuds mates.
Don't think its spurs or their fans in general just one head patter
It's true that we didn't have this before the individual you're referring to started posting regularly, but I'd feel more confident it was "just one" if the other wasn't clearly such a huge fan of the other's posts. I'm not seeing a huge difference currently.
If they're putting their names on this proposal than there really aren't. All those involved are 1A, 1B, etc.Why the hate for Spurs y'all? Way worse clubs than them! They're probably my second favourite club in the league to be honest, although that's probably cos I've got quite a few Spuds mates.
So I'm a HUGE fan of HH's posts? Ridiculous exaggeration.
I doubt if I have given 'likes' to more than 5-10% of his posts and most of those have been 'pro-Spurs' rather than 'anti-Everton'.
Pipe down butters,there’s a good ladWhy the hate for Spurs y'all? Way worse clubs than them! They're probably my second favourite club in the league to be honest, although that's probably cos I've got quite a few Spuds mates.
I was going off the fact you've liked every post he's written in here going back pages. All I see is him doing the ironically completely counterproductive activity of writing post after post defending an opposition club on an opposition football forum on almost every single word of criticism that comes against it, while adding attempts to belittle said club with the kind of things I've only ever seen Liverpool fans say. I don't really see what it achieves. It seems you like it - fair enough.
I was going off the fact you've liked every post he's written in here going back pages. All I see is him doing the ironically completely counterproductive activity of writing post after post defending an opposition club on an opposition football forum on almost every single word of criticism that comes against it, while adding attempts to belittle said club with the kind of things I've only ever seen Liverpool fans say. I don't really see what it achieves. It seems you like it - fair enough.
You ok hun? Don't let the pandemic get to you, babe xPipe down butters,there’s a good lad
You and @GwladysBlue are again making complete fools of yourselves on here.
If this project were to go through, this for some reason somehow managed for him to call Spurs a "Pathetic Club" as they would get a rebate of £125 million but because you both don't realise how idiotic you are by digging out Spurs with this line of attack, let me make it clear to you both in a very easy clear way for you to understand.
IF THIS PROJECT WERE TO GO THROUGH, the mighty Ev would get a rebate of £250 million, double what Spurs would get lol.