Stadium Thread - ALL Kirkby/Stadium Discussion Here

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I think you're right in that the stadium at Kirkby is, at best, utilitarian - it's fit for purpose. Add to that the fact that it will cost us at least £80m, if not £100m or maybe more, and the idea of redeveloping Goodison appears attractive to me. Really, what could be done to our spiritual home with the amount of money we have to spend anyway? One sticking point is whether we could increase capacity. Bully Wyness says not, KEIOC say yes. I don't trust either of these sources. But I'm getting more and more turned off the Kirkby idea.

only issue that would prevent it imo, is the uncertainty of the school, but even so, i'd rather stay in the city, even if to stop the redshite gaining more supporters...the everton fan base is an ageing fanbase...we arent really getting more supporters..which is a problem...going to kirkby will more than likely guarantee less supporters turning up to the match...who is there now , that isnt coming to goodison to watch everton? its only a small backwood place.

Everton need the city and the city need us..end of.
1) Stupid Location? Whats stupid about it? Refer to Item 3
2) Rubbish Stadium? Open debate, i like the design. Others like the redshites new ground i think it looks heidous(Uh? Hideous or heinous? Whichever, as a new word I think it might work, combining the worst emotions of both original words!). Not that bothered personally but not 'world class' - in fact a bit like (a lot like) the corrugations on the Main Stand - so that's what nearly 40 years of progress in building technology gets you?
3) Nightmare travel? What right off the motorway and a major A road. Yeh nightmare that! Since when did the type of road links that you espouse result in convenience for getting to and from the game? Bolton, Reading, Stoke, Boro, too many stadium cul-de-sacs to mention. And try Cheshire Oaks for a bang on the nail 'retail' comparison. IKEA on the North Circular? The old Warrington IKEA motorway junction arrangement? Brilliant feats of traffic engineering, all of them.
4) Answers on a postcard what you know about corporate entertainment please Everton's is currently severely lacking in respect of making punters march from the tent to the Main Stand and back - you don't need to have 'Corporate Hospitality' as your specialist subject on Mastermind to know that much better could be done in the present circumstances. And they might find that they then sell out more? Very good business there today, but then that's probably all that was available. Further, I know that Wigan do well because of the overspill from Man U and Liverpool - people take tickets there to see premiership football, a lot like the Man U supporter who entertains me at Bolton - does wonders for the atmosphere. So be carefull what you wish for; corporates need to be dealt with very carefully in stadium design. Oh, and I wouldn't shell out £7500 in advance for 5 years at Kirkby - does the fact that they're enquiring of ordinary supporters suggest that the Club know much about corporate entertainment?

Loop is too small (as big as the Emirates site apparently - have you personally checked this on Google Earth for example?) and we cant afford to redevelop GP(Says who? - you or Bill or Keith or the GFE (inc. Bill) or Trevor Skempton; who?) Both are off the agenda (Says Bill/Keith - who?). Show me your feasibility study and then we can 'Deal with It'.
Why would Walton Hall Pk be great? Because its in the boundary, its a [Poor language removed] location with limited access Not personally fussed about this site except that it demonstrates that the Club lies repeatedly to the extent that very little of their output can be trusted - today's spat regarding the Bill/Moyes/Keith 'who done it/said it' situation over moyes' contract and transfer fund anyone

When Moyes' Blue and White Army march off the 4 miles to Kirkby don't be surprised if a large number go AWOL, and not because it's the wrong side of a boundary. A swift rename to Moyes' Blue and White Platoon may be necessary, although the 'Moyes' bit might need to be changed also.
When Moyes' Blue and White Army march off the 4 miles to Kirkby don't be surprised if a large number go AWOL, and not because it's the wrong side of a boundary. A swift rename to Moyes' Blue and White Platoon may be necessary, although the 'Moyes' bit might need to be changed also.

Cant be bothered with the rest of it, its just rubbish.

As for this mass desertion the no voters like to speak highly of, well thats just nonsense and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise

given that school playing fields are being sold off all over the place, and schools are closing and merging, are there any close by that fall into this category ? just a thought that maybe hasn't been considered.
Location.....So everyone will arrive by car then ? and there wont be any traffic problems, hope not....The public transport plan is ridiculous. It will take us back thirty years. Why would anybody want to wait without shelter to queue up to enter a train station or bus station for what could be hours. Being herded around by police on horses etc. Doesnt sound like a great match day experience to me.

I admit, I dont know about Corporate entertainment, but my point about it was really to do with location. I am assuming that a ground nearer the city centre would attract more of this type of client and for whom may be a better location for their guests. I understand these private boxes cost companies tens of thousands of pounds ? A city location might justify this cost better ? Maybe not, obviously you do know about this subject.

The stadium design at best could be called utility. The club have described it as a mid level facility. The club are saying they are looking to the future with this, they are obviously not. This stadium could be EFCs home for the next 100 years. I think we deserve better than this.

So you think nothing could be done with Goodison Park for £130Million ? and youve been privvy to detailed costing plans etc for this and you agree that they are unaffordable.

You didnt make any comment re. increased turnover etc. or maybe that should be, decreasing all the time possible extra turnover, paying for the debt, The size of the stadium is an important point as it has alot to do with the clubs revenue and this is one of Wyness's main points of argument about relocating but the proposed capacity seems to be shrinking all the time.

1) Name me 1 ground in the country which doesnt suffer traffic congestion? KD would have been a nightmare getting out of, it is already and thats with a 10k capacity
2) Corporate - Companies will not invest in a ground as run down as GP but they will invest a shiny new ground and luxury surroundings which the new ground will provide
3) Design - As i said its subjective, i think it looks great, others like yourself dont like it.
4) GP - Have we got a spare £130m going spare then? No i didnt think so
Cant be bothered with the rest of it, its just rubbish.

As for this mass desertion the no voters like to speak highly of, well thats just nonsense and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise
where would you get the evidence from until it happens if indeed it does .I admit much as I hate it I will follow to Kirkby or any where else but people who I drink with after games are adamant that when or should that be if? we move they will not renew season tickets and these guys have been going since early 60s and mean what they say ,they accept we lost the vote and never debate it now but feel that they do not want to be part of the Kirkby blues.
you'll probably find most of them have also said in the past after dire performances that thats it, never again,not renewing blah blah but theyre all still there, we are evertonians, we bleed blue, we would get on a coach and go to the back of beyond if we had to.
lets find a public space ourselves i.e a park and see if permission would be considered, theres a petition on the .gov site objecting to the rs using stanley park, we all say we object to that but how many have signed it ? 2 petitions in fact 11 signatures 2 signatures

also 2 kirkby ones 1168 sig. 35 sig.

weve argued enough about this and slagged off the council and board lets try and come up with some ideas instead of bickering.
and sign the rs ones to p1ss em off if nothing else
i don't know how many supporters would boycott any new stadium in kirkby, but i think they may be the least of the club's problems in this area. there will be far less incentive to commit to a season ticket in kirkby & once people have been to a few matches there is a risk that they'll start to pick & choose which fixtures to attend if the match day experience is sufficiently off-putting. as a consequence the average attendance could drop considerably.

Must admit I have missed a few games through ill health this season and its money down the drain,I am reluctant to renew for next season as it is not going to be improved then so if I could get in to any match when we move then in my position it makes sense to pay as I go so to speak which is not what Bill and Bully want although if I was confident about being well enough to attend all games I prefer a season ticket same seat ect(y)
4) GP - Have we got a spare £130m going spare then? No i didnt think so[/QUOTE]

Do we have a spare 80M to 100M to put towards Kirkby, NO, but they seem to have finance arranged and ready to go. Better informed people than I are suggesting EFCs contribution could be as much as 130M.
I am suggesting that the same or less money even, which they are borrowing for the proposed relocation could be spent at Goodison. It has been proved very recently that Goodison can be redeveloped.

I have to bring up my point about the capacity of the new stadium being reduced yet again. It is a very important detail. If it goes down to say 45000, would there be a viable point in moving and ripping the heart and history out our great club when its home could be redeveloped. How would the club generate the vital revenue streams to service the same amount of debt then or can this be acheived from an extra 5000 paying customers ? I bet the stadium cost wouldnt be reduced.

Kings dock.....I dont care what you think, if the club was going to move, this was the dream location and an incredible opportunity missed. Do you really think for one minute that the same parking facilites would have been proposed for a football stadium. Liverpool city centre handles 100/150 thousand commuters everyday, thousands of these would already be Everton supporters, so its not like 55000 extra people would be converging on the city but thats by the by. Liverpool is a fully functioning CITY, not an overspill town on the outskirts of Merseyside with one train station and a bus station.
I hope it all falls flat as there are still too many things not being made public it seems the club leak out the bad news a drip at a time:@ and please dont say Its because its Kirkby with out ALL the facts any move is dodgey in my eyes(n)

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