Stake. Com

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Not arsed about having a betting company as a sponsor, but a bit embarrassing for our CEO after her past comments.
That's the real embarrassment. Been taking USM blood money for years and DBB out there morally grandstanding about not being affiliated with betting companies. Maybe if she and the rest of the board were competent we wouldn't have been is such a dire financial situation that she wouldn't need to get back in bed with gambling sponsors.
Utterly dreadful that I will have to stop following a club I've followed for forty or so years. I'm ashamed that they've sunk to this depth. In a stroke they undermine all the principles of care they show with EITC. Hypocrites.

Someone let me know when it changes.
Can't work out if you're being serious. Did you not notice cazoo across our shirts previously?

Utterly dreadful that I will have to stop following a club I've followed for forty or so years. I'm ashamed that they've sunk to this depth. In a stroke they undermine all the principles of care they show with EITC. Hypocrites.

Someone let me know when it changes.
I don't really think it's hypocritical to do some questionable things but also try to do some good to be honest. Certainly no more so than selling alcohol, pies and sweets etc and then doing work on health and diabetes like they always have. I'd rather we weren't doing this but so much of this is just selective outrage.
Can't work out if you're being serious. Did you not notice cazoo across our shirts previously?
Deadly serious. And I think you mean Sportspesa. This is worse as far as I'm concerned since after Sportspesa was binned I believed we had shown moral cajones to realise the damage gambling can do to some. That made me prouder of the club and now I feel utterly betrayed fir what is a relative pittance compared with the TV money.
What happened to doing the Pool's at the weekend and spot the ball lol Not a fan of anything that causes addiction but not a lot you can do in an industry that pushes gambling down your throat.
Deadly serious. And I think you mean Sportspesa. This is worse as far as I'm concerned since after Sportspesa was binned I believed we had shown moral cajones to realise the damage gambling can do to some. That made me prouder of the club and now I feel utterly betrayed fir what is a relative pittance compared with the TV money.
Yeah sorry cazoo then sportspesa.

after hafnia leading to an obesity crisis and now this,
i dont know how bill can look jenny in the eye when he wakes up in the morning!
I don't really think it's hypocritical to do some questionable things but also try to do some good to be honest. Certainly no more so than selling alcohol, pies and sweets etc and then doing work on health and diabetes like they always have. I'd rather we weren't doing this but so much of this is just selective outrage.

I think the board bring a lot of it on themselves though mate.

Pretty sure Baxendale said we would never be the sort of club who would do this sort of thing.

It's at odds with EITC. The issue is that EITC gets too much focus. It's a side arm that wouldnt exist without the football club.

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