Is that a holiday resort?
Yes, its part owned by the "OMG WHERES THE JUDAS MONEY BILL" group.
(Please, forgive the use of the "wheres the money Bill")
Is that a holiday resort?
Dave makes me incredibly angry, desperate and then amused. At the end, you can't help but like him, the sour tw*t.Davek makes me swooooon!!
Am I the only person on here that thinks Davek is a [Poor language removed]?
I think he's just an attention whore who popcorns to get attention and wind people up.
Pretty pathetic imo ....
That's preposterous...and you must have cringed when you typed that out. Naismith and the others didn't take a route out of his old contract to make a financial killing? Are you being serious? The undisputed fact of the matter is that he's a player who was with one club in one legal form and then he had the chance to do what the bulk of his squad mates did and accept playing for that club in another legal form...the club he's a boyhood supporter of, btw. If he'd stayed he'd have been on his wages that he was getting from the oldco. He wasn't staring at the back of the queue down the job centre applying for housing benefit. And it's likely that he'd have been at a club that faced a challenge to get back to the SPL from Scot Div One.
He chose not to take that route to stick it out. End of story. Dress it up all you want concerning all 'the different factors'.
I really is an eye opner a thread like this. The leeway these footy players get from ordinary people is astounding.
Dave doesn't do popcorn. If you think he's pathetic i suggest you look at the Andy Murray thread and see if he's an 'attention whore' then.
Happy for him and I hope he beats that tool Federer.
Murray was a kid in Dunblane hiding under tables when that monstor Hamilton was on his killing spree. For that reason alone I hope hw wins.
Just because someone makes 1 post out of 100 that isn't popcorning or attention seeking doesn't mean they're not doing either.
Out of everyone on here, Dave doesn't attention seek, the fact that he isn't even bothering replying to your attacks or the attacks on him from others proves that.
Embarrassing that people call other Evertonians '[Poor language removed]' and 'attention seeking whores' over the internet, yous wanna have a word with yourselves.
It's pretty obvious there's a clique of you who are all mates. Fair play standing up for one of your mates. I'm sure Davek is a sound guy if you know him but I think your friendship blinds your opinion.
If there was a poll to see if most people thought he does popcorn or not I'd be amazed if most people didn't think he did.
It's pretty obvious there's a clique of you who are all mates. Fair play standing up for one of your mates. I'm sure Davek is a sound guy if you know him but I think your friendship blinds your opinion.
If there was a poll to see if most people thought he does popcorn or not I'd be amazed if most people didn't think he did.