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Suarez's Punishment

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Saying that his previous two bites shouldn't be taken into account isn't exactly right. With that sort of reasoning a man convicted of murdering a person in two different countries that goes and kill a person in a third wouldn't get a more severe punishment since the verdicts are given by different states. It's not the case. The previous two sentences shows a pattern and therefore the punishment will be more severe. Same should apply in this case (if he is found guilty).

Suarez two bites earlier have shown that he has that in him and he hasn't changed. Therefore a more severe punishment should be reasonable. It's not like bad tackles that injure another players. Tackles, headers and such are a part of the game, biting someone isn't.

I do hope though, that FIFA will disregard whatever is written in the papers and go with their guidelines. The media & fans shouldn't be the ones judging Suarez, the football World should give him his verdict.
Unbelievable this is ;

Diego Lugano to the BBC
BBC: "Can you comment on the incident with Luis Suarez? Can you comment on what the world saw yesterday?"

Diego Lugano: "What incident? I don't know what incident you're talking about. I don't know what incident you're talking about. Are you talking about the Premier League or the national team? Have you got something against Luis?"

BBC: "Chiellini? Are you saying nothing happened?"

Lugano: "No. The pictures don't show anything. They show an approximation but nothing important."

BBC: "Why then has Fifa charged Luis Suarez?"

Lugano: "I don't know. As far as I know."

BBC: "Are British media to blame?"

Lugano: "No. Everybody knows the British media have an issue with Suarez. It must sell newspapers in England. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. Yesterday Uruguay played against Italy and Saturday it will play Colombia. I don't know what a British journalist is doing talking about Suarez. It must be popular with the British media. I don't see another explanation.

"But we're happy with yesterday's win. You don't look that happy with Uruguay's victory but, well, now comes the hardest part which is facing what I believe is the best team so far in the tournament. Colombia has scored a lot of goals and won easily.
The answer to the first question

' have you got something against Luis '

So he knows what incident he is talking about. A bit thick this feller isn't he.

Wasn't he the player who was pulling Chiellini's shirt back down to cover the bite marks

No punishment just treatment.

Surgically remove his teeth, followed by six months daily ECT, and then a partial lobotomy if he commits more than three fouls on his return.
I disagree on this. I do believe that this is entirely a mental instability issue, which does in fact make the whole unsavoury incident far more damning. If he cannot control this urge on a stage of this magnitude, after many months of professional help, then it is beyond the stage that he can be second guessed. This is where their duty of care comes in.
On whether poor Luis is mentally unstable, we are going to have to agree to disagree then mate.

If u look at the biting in isolation, a highly antisocial act by a very high profile star, then of course concluding that he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic (cliche intended) is understandable.

But add in his extensive repertoire of other antisocial actions - spitting, racism, deliberate attempts to injure opponents, handballs, epidemic levels of diving and writhing - and a clear pattern emerges: Suarez will do absolutely anything he feels he can get away with in order to convey an advantage to his side/weaken the opposition, with zero regard for the rules. And his favourite party trick is getting opposing players penalised/carded/sent off. To his credit he is bloody damn good at it. So where u see a nutcase, I see a rather clever, very cynical, totally unscrupulous opportunistic cheat, 100% sane 100% of the time.

Where i think we do agree is this - Suarez whether mentally stable or not, has not been managed properly by his teams. Liverpool and Uruguay have a responsibility to address his issues properly and they bloody well haven't. They've been grossly negligent.

In fact it is in both LFC and Uru's interests to let LS carry on with his nonsense, simply because most of the time he succeeds and gets away with it. If Chiellini had retaliated and been sent off, Luis would have been celebrated in the dressing room and prob throughout Uruguay as a hero. Both teams have have many opportunities to decisively sort out his issues and they haven't. Even now Uruguay are defending him to the hilt. Their negligence and tacit encouragement of his continued sh!t makes them complicit in my eyes and I hope FIFA punishes Uruguay too, but of course that won't happen.

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