We need to start moving through the gears and get these key players in before stoke.
The Eloi were the surface dwelling race in H G Wells' The Time Machine novel. A second race, the subterranean dwelling ape-like troglodytes were called the Morlocks. The novel's time travelling protagonist speculates that the human race has evolved into these two species: the leisured, moneyed classes have become the ineffectual Eloi, and the downtrodden working classes* have become the brutal light-fearing Morlocks...worth mentioning the link with Vitesse goalkeeper, Eloy Room, just for the name.
The Eloi were the surface dwelling race in H G Wells' The Time Machine novel. A second race, the subterranean dwelling ape-like troglodytes were called the Morlocks. The novel's time travelling protagonist speculates that the human race has evolved into these two species: the leisured, moneyed classes have become the ineffectual Eloi, and the downtrodden working classes* have become the brutal light-fearing Morlocks.
* he later refines his theory to conclude the troglodytes were actually evolved from Stoke FC supporters
I remember buying Linderoth on Championship Manager 00/01 and we bought him the next week. He was a lot better on the game though.
The Eloi were the surface dwelling race in H G Wells' The Time Machine novel. A second race, the subterranean dwelling ape-like troglodytes were called the Morlocks. The novel's time travelling protagonist speculates that the human race has evolved into these two species: the leisured, moneyed classes have become the ineffectual Eloi, and the downtrodden working classes* have become the brutal light-fearing Morlocks.
* he later refines his theory to conclude the troglodytes were actually evolved from Stoke FC supporters
Sig, striker, defender. Sorted.
Who do you think we will go for?
yeah i know, the post i was replying to was about a game.
We need to start moving through the gears and get these key players in before stoke.
i'm okay if one or two come in after the season has started tbh. We've bought so many that it'll take a good time for the team to gel as it is. Think siggurdssson will be done by then, i think williams will be a lot better with pace alongside him than people think, so centre back isn't urgently needed. I would really like us to have our new striker in before the season starts, but we'll have enough attacking options to get past them regardless.
The key will be having them in for the big games though, we won't score many if we're playing against those teams with the current crop.
Swap deal.
Van Dijk to us Barkley to Southampton.
That would suit all parties.