Kean was actually purchased 4 years ago, on a 5 year deal, plus we received loan fees for him. So 20m of his upcoming transfer is going straight to FFP, and actual profit on the books. We did not sell him back 2 years later.
The Richy money was spent in the summer, but there was no FFP "need" to balance anything with Gordon if you use a 3 year rolling average, as one of the top big loss years rolled off at the end of the season. The last big loss year(20/21) does not apply to this upcoming season for FFP anymore so we are free of the worst of the bad prior spending. So for FFP purposes we can net spend at least 50 million without selling anyone, including Kean(and most of Gordon).
But it seems the issue is no longer FFP, it is a lack of willingness to take any financial losses, much less the 35 million allowed per season.