We have Hobson's Choice for this.
Stick with a regime who have taken us to the brink of the abyss, stadium aside, or plunge into the relative unknown with supposedly far more savvy, but hawkish and probably detached business interests.
Moshiri probably can't afford to stick though, and Ukraine has brought things to a head.
I do find the idea of the club being run by at least notionally competent business people to be appealing, not that we have any guarantees there of course. Kenyons involvement is reassuring to a small extent.
Completion of the stadium build is critical of course. Outside of this we are going to have restricted budgets anyway. I'm coming around to thinking we might as well be run on a tight leash by people who are good at doing that rather than the present incumbents who are frankly quite terrifying in their sheer and naked buffoonery and incompetence.
The hope would be that we emerge from this period in the new stadium in at least a more fit for purpose fashion, business wise, and equipped to take advantage of new opportunities. If this mooted takeover happens, then let them sell down the line for a tidy profit if that's their aim.
The cycle is starting again either way.