Give over.
one comment
i was 16 the year she came to power. she took away the future for a lot of people my age.
And surely all those people who are worse off than us anyway should also be rolling up their sleeves and getting to work? Instead of blaming external influences like famine and war? According to your theories, at least...
(And, philosophically speaking, shouldn't you be welcoming illegal immigration, rather than condemning it, since they are the ones who have got off their backsides and done something about their situation?)
For example, you can say "I think everyone should stand on their own two feet" and believe that about everyone. Or you can say - as you now appear to be doing - "everyone should stand on their own two feet, apart from those who don't meet a certain standard". In which case, the answer is not about political philosophy but practical differences about where and how resources should be allocated.
As far as I understood your politics (from other previous threads as well) you believed that there should be no government intervention and that the rich would intervene when they felt the urge to donate money to deserving causes. I always felt that there were some major holes in that argument and one major one was that when you apply that to nations rather than individuals it doesn't appear to be functioning too well.
You recommended that other people should read Hayek earlier, I recommend that you take a look at the social/economic theory of the "Tragedy of the Commons" and its relevance to the responsibility of a community to act in the best interests of the community rather than the individual.
And yet she was elected three times. Reminds me of a quote from an old Louisiana governor "Someday Louisiana is gonna get good government. And they ain't gonna like it."
Britain is now a service economy and was always going to be that way due to globalisation. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to prop up the non-competitive primary industries in Britain with tax payer money, thus costing both the tax payer and any customer that's forced to buy un-competitive products. Labour are famous for using this tactic in politically sensitive areas. Just look at Northern Rock.
Oh come now. Do you really believe any politician gives a monkeys about us? They may talk a good game but politicians are human, just like the rest of us. Human beings are conditioned to think about ourselves first and foremost. Look at all the pilfering that goes on with allowances on both sides of the house. If you're looking to politicians for moral guidance then you're looking in the wrong place. Power corrupts, and government has a whole lot of it.
I'm not saying that life wasn't tough for some people. All I'm saying is that using others as an excuse for your life is not the way to go. The notion of a job for life is simply not there any more. If you find one avenue closed down to you, you try another one. Giving so much control over your life to a third party is a cop out. Where's your fighting spirit? If, as many here suggest, the woman is reviled then say "[Poor language removed] you misses, I'm going to succeed in life with or without your help".
No one owes you anything in life. To be honest I don't particularly like this current government taking around 50% of my income each year. Well, to be totally honest I think it's criminal. But it's no excuse to stop trying to do your best in life.
I said in a previous post about the Thatcher government trying to instill a sense of self responsibility in people and that's so important. Every child in this country gets 10+ years of 'free' education. I've worked in schools and so many kids abuse this privilege. When you look such a gift horse in the mouth do you really have any right to complain about not finding work as an adult? People in hundreds of countries around the world would kill for the education our kids get for nothing.
Life can be tough at times, that's just how it is. But rest assured that there are billions around the world with life much tougher than we have it. Roll your sleeves up and get on with it, make the most of the bloody good opportunities we do have. I spoke in the rugby/cricket threads about players going soft by having things too easy and the same is true in so many other areas of life.