My main point is that under this coalition govenment most people are worse off than they were before. We pay more or the same in tax, have reduced or non-existent public services, the NHS is under threat, our public transport infrastructure is under threat, people are facing huge food bills and heating bills and the govenment are doing nothing about it.
As Cowboy says earlier, surely we have to look at the bigger picture here. I can't believe it's at all sensible to believe that whoever is in government is responsible for each and every little thing that happens to a country and its people.
If the Chinese economy were to crash for instance, that would have a huge impact upon our own economy, but that would hardly be the fault of whomever was in government.
The reality is though that after the crash, the banks were bailed out in a big way. I'm not a fan of corporate welfare in the slightest, but I don't think any of the parties opposed doing that or offered any alternative. That, coupled with the recession, left a huge deficit. Unless you support taking on even more debt, that surely means cutting funding in certain areas (or making things more efficient etc.).
Health, education and overseas aid have been ringfenced (the so called NHS blackhole is down to need rising faster than inflation, not a lack of spending per se), which has meant most of any cuts have been heavily focused in areas that aren't ringfenced.
To say the NHS is under threat though I just don't get. What's it under threat from? Likewise with public transport. Wasn't there a big bung proposed by Osborne for public transport just last week? With food bills, staple foods are remarkably cheap these days. Indeed, there are some posts earlier where
@Milk (a farmer) reveals how tough it is to make a living because of the low prices.
Heating bills are largely a consequence of NIMBYism resulting in a lack of new energy projects in Britain. If you look at America for instance, they've gone so overboard with fracking that they're now challenging Saudia Arabia as the largest oil producer in the world, and the world oil price has dropped sharply as a result of the supply glut. Have we started fracking in Britain yet?
I'm not going to suggest that the Tories have been great, awful or indifferent, as to be quite honest I couldn't care less, but I fail to see how any other party would have done things that differently.