That is hilarious. Supermarkets problems can solve NHS problems. You just couldn't make it up. And people believe this bull. Incredible.I think you're getting confused. The Airedale trial was not provided by Babylon, it was a tele-health project. Babylon are a tele-health provider.
An interesting piece from Brunel's Terry Young
" But most people in cities dine in and out rather well. Supermarkets haven’t built larger warehouses next to their stores in order to cope with fewer deliveries – rather they have done the opposite and eliminated most of the in-store storage space", from Brunel's Terry Young. Whatever that means in relation to the NHS, hospitals, ill people, operations, after care etc. He certainly has attempted to think out of the box, don't know which box though.
How about thinking inside the box and attempt to analysis what is causing the NHS crisis. That way then it may be able to be solved. Not enough nurses, not enough doctors, not enough consultants (who moonlight for the private sector and 'neglect' their NHS patients). Consultants earn a small fortune working for the private sector, operating on patients they have diagnosed as an NHS consultant. Consultants earn small fortunes but do not get penalised, or disciplined, unless there is a complaint, when they cancel operations so they can go with their mates to play golf in Spain. 'Building larger warehouses away from stores' has nothing to do with the real world NHS crisis.
Regarding the Airedale trial. At £7.99 a person to be seen on screen, provided by a tele-health provider, like Babylon, by a clinician not a doctor. Unbelievable. The elderly have paid their taxes and national insurance contributions and are paying to be in care, and then are charged £7.99 per month for the privilege of not seeing a doctor. The person in the home is 'helped' to diagnose what is wrong with the person looked after whilst the consultant/clinician/doctor is looking on a screen.
Reminds me of the consultant I had for my nasal polyps operation 3 years ago. Who instead of examining me a month after the operation, something I was assured would happen, he phoned me up and asked 'how are you'. 'I'm OK but I will charge you £50 per hour to tell you how to do your job". He never did get the barbed comment. Too 'busy' to make an appointment and see his patient, easier to phone. And I was supposed to self diagnose (no pun intended) if I was doing 'ok'. Never did receive any money for the diagnosis.
Further health insurance is on the way and when TTIP becomes law it will so widespread that those who can't afford it will have to rely on charitable doctor to diagnose what is up with them. Like happens in the US. But it doesn't matter what is diagnosed if you don't have the money then no operation.