Policy Highlights of a future Labour Government:
Low Pay: Increase in minimum wage to a minimum of £8.00 by 2020.
NHS: Fully funded increase in NHS budgets. Greater integration of health and social services. Guaranteed GP appointments within 48 hours. Cancer tests within 1 week. £2.5bn Time to care fund for more care workers, doctors and nurses.
Taxation: Mansion tax, reintroduction of 10% income tax rate. Increases in corporation tax whilst committing to being lowest in G7. Closure of tax loop holes for hedge funds. Increased resource into fighting tax evasion
Immigration: Change in welfare rules. Law against companies employing immigrants and undercutting local pay structures.
Education: Maintenance of funding. Increased focus on vocational training, aiming to equal the number of vocational placements with university places.
Public Spending: year on year reductions with objective to balance the budget and no additional borrowing.
EU referendum: No referendum on EU membership in this next parliament.
Competition Laws: Strengthening of competition laws and much greater regulation of banks and utility companies.
Devolution: Further devolution of centralised powers including the re-introduction of regional transport authorities.
At last a sensible response, thank you esk.
1) long time to wait for a small increese is it not?
2) We all want the NHS safe guarded goes with out saying but looking at some of your points in there
a) GP appointments wit nin 48hrs, how? GPs are already seeing as much as they can in a day it may help if people did not go for spurious reasons, Labour gave the GPs a new contract in 2005 which effectively meant they got more money for less work and stop doing out of hours visits.
b) more doctors and nurses, 8,000 and 20,000 respectively where from and what time scale?
3) Taxation
a) Mansion Tax will take two years at least before any money starts coming in so Labour would have to
borrow to cover the shortfall. What of people who in the SE have been in their homes for decades and are now asset rich but cash poor, how can they pay? All very well saying when they pass away take the money then from the sale but think of the effect on relatives and again it means there will be a shortfall.
b) 10p band, it was in 2008 that Brown abolished this and made a right cock up which left millions of lower paid and pensioners worse off. To correct this darling had to borrow £5 billion to partially fix it by the same token it will cost £5 billion to restore. But notice nothing had been said how much income will be subject to the 10p band and won't this also give more money to the well off? unless the thresholds are redrawn.
c) CorporationTax I think we already have the lowest in the G7. If you want jobs to cut even more into the unemployed queues it is private business that will have to create them. The only jobs government can create are publicsector which need tax or borrowing to pay for them. Business therefore have to be attracted to come here to set up shop and to keep the existing ones business taxes have to be lower than our competitors yet you talk of increasing business taxes?
d) of course hedge finds need to be controlled to a point but too much and those banks could be driven from here with considerable harm to London and the Country as they contribute a heck of a lot of tax.
e) of course tax evasion has to be jumped on but also certain parts of so called legal avoidance, not heard anything yet about how they would manage that. For Example how would one go about getting hold of Amazon, Apple, Google and there are many more who use Luxembourg, even Nissan!
4) Immigration, quite right needs to be controlled but at the moment nothing can be done about EU migration unless there is a change in the Treaty which Labour are steering clear of. With Welfare rules they may be possible to change as will legislation on companies and employees but again I think Brussels would veto that. Literally the only immigration we can control is from outside the EU and is there not in place now a points system on that?
5) Public Spending -- Yes for the health of the Country this needs to be balanced and Labour has said as much but they have also indicated for infrastructure and Investment this will be outside of the budget and would be borrowed.
6) EU referendum, if it does not happen in this parliament it never will, and Labour are against it, think about that with regard to immigration etc. Labour are also not interested in renegotiation of the Treaty.
7) Competition Laws, not sure I understand what you mean here. If you are talking of Takeovers and Mergers Labour abolished the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and replaced with a toothless quango. The abolition of this commission made it much easier for takeovers from abroad of our companies like Cadburys. I think as regards the banks there is now a great deal of control but it also depend on what banks you mean, high street or investment, AS for the utilities absoluteyy the various ombudmans need to be strengthened and in some case a sharp kick up u the rear.
8) Devolution is desirable, do not think it can be achieved in one parliament. I am wary of this to some extent because I can see possibly a huge increase in public sector jobs which will have to funded from general and local taxation.
There are many other issues but it is super to debate these points. I will put up a similar thread shortly on the Conservatives and the Lib Dems