Farage’s self-promotion as an anti-Establishment figure who will champion the cause of the “white working class” obscures his true political identity. A public school educated former member of the Tory Party who followed his father into a lucrative career as a stockbroker is hardly likely to be a class warrior.
Farage is a French Huguenot name and so his ancestors are likely to have arrived in Britain as refugees fleeing persecution by a French Catholic elite massacring Protestants during the 16th and 17th centuries.
Hundreds of thousands of Huguenots sought refuge in neighbouring Protestant countries, including Britain.
Lucky for Farage’s ancestors there was no Ukip or Daily Mail at the time to screech on about a mass influx of European immigrants coming to Britain to take jobs away from British serfs and threatening to ruin the traditional 17th century British way of life.
Ukip seeks to plug an electoral void that ought to be filled by a Labour Party offering a socialist programme.
Fundamentally Ukip offers the chance for a protest vote against the three main parties who have little to offer the majority of British people.
Even a casual glance at Ukip’s policies in their 2010 manifesto reveals their anti-working class nature.
A proposed flat tax rate of 31 per cent will benefit the wealthy and plans to cut state spending to 1997 levels, with a loss of potentially two million public-sector jobs, does not sound altogether different from what the Tories are currently doing.
An increase in military spending, with plans to “buy three new aircraft carriers and 50 more Lightning fighter jets,” sits alongside plans to scrap jobseeker’s allowance and incapacity benefit. The 2010 Ukip manifesto also proposes that GPs’ surgeries and hospitals are auctioned off to the highest bidding charity or private enterprise.
A five-year freeze on immigration, an end to the promotion of multiculturalism, more prisons and longer prison sentences, the scrapping of the Human Rights Act, a ban on schools showing Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth which portrays the destructive effects of climate change, plans to hold all asylum-seekers in secure units, as well as other related ideas to make the average bigot orgasm are also thrown into the manifesto.
As for the party’s public image, Godfrey Bloom, a former banker and until recently a Ukip MEP, adds a flavour of misogyny with comments such as “no self-respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age.”
Despite the protest vote popularity that Ukip currently enjoys, if it ever came to power as part of a coalition government it would be quickly exposed to the electorate at large as just another party which serves the interests of the ruling class.
Ukip’s chance of picking up more than a handful, if any, parliamentary seats in the next general election is slim. However, its main threat is two-fold.
The threat of losing votes and seats in Parliament could result in the Tory party lurching further to the right as they try to outdo their Ukip rivals with reaction, bigotry and callousness.
More worryingly, there is the risk that a section of the leadership within the Labour Party might erroneously imagine that Ukip/right-wing Tory policies are those that appeal to the electorate and try to keep up with Cameron and Farage.
Second, Ukip uses fear and reaction to mesmerise voters who might otherwise have voted for a Labour Party with policies that serve the interests of the working class.
For this reason, the Labour Party ought to offer voters a real alternative by returning to its original principles, namely Clause 4 of the 1918 text of the Labour Party constitution which states: “To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.”
A socialist solution to the problems of global capitalism by returning to the core values of the Labour Party would give the British working class, be they Labour members or not, ideals to rally around, a voice in Parliament and hope for a better future.
A socialist solution to the crisis is needed — houses for the homeless, jobs for the jobless, a redistribution of wealth, decent pensions and public services, the revival of the manufacturing industry, common ownership of the banks and the largest 100 companies would be a good start.
Chicago-based activist Paul D’Amato wrote in his 2006 book The Meaning Of Marxism: “The memory of the working class can only be embodied in organisations that are capable of carrying on the tradition.”
Capitalism has outlived its historical usefulness. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic does not offer the stricken passengers a way off the boat.
The transition to a system run by the majority in the interests of all — one based on emulation not competition and co-operation not competition — is needed now more than ever.