watch it go tits up, and they say its because they are labour run,I see the Mancs have broken ranks yesterday on that issue: their local authority sticking their hands out for cash for self-governance of the NHS budget. Sinister move that one.
watch it go tits up, and they say its because they are labour run,I see the Mancs have broken ranks yesterday on that issue: their local authority sticking their hands out for cash for self-governance of the NHS budget. Sinister move that one.
They'll be siphoning that off to pay for bin collections and leisure centres...and their own exies that most of the ****s are in the game for in the first place.Fully agreed. You only have to see how money is leeched out by consultants under the auspices of directly NHS funded projects, let alone city hall schiesters who get their dirty mitts on it.
Regionalisation of the NHS...that'll open it up a bit more quickly for the private sector to it go tits up, and they say its because they are labour run,
watch how quick they get somebody in to run it, then its in so much in debt we owe it to the rate payers to off load it, was looking very quickly at some figures to do with this and people are already flagging up once you factor in they are already running at a defict, its not really that good an idea, well if you get in bed with this shower mancs dont be supprised when they put one up your arses then charge you for it afterwards.Regionalisation of the NHS...that'll open it up a bit more quickly for the private sector to colonise.
This place wont be a nation soon; it'll be a series of citadels owned and controlled by the rich.
Regionalisation of the NHS...that'll open it up a bit more quickly for the private sector to colonise.
This place wont be a nation soon; it'll be a series of citadels owned and controlled by the rich.
it would be intresting if that panned out and labour fought the second electin without Ed. who surely would have to go
Hang on, didn't Ukip align themselves with Golden Dawn a while ago in Europe? I think the reason ex BNP members are banned is more to do with the fact that many of them see UKIP and their immigration policies as the natural party for ex BNP members to move. Labour is pro Europe so if there are ex BNP members in their ranks then they're kidding themselves if they think they're furthering some nationalist agenda, they'd be better off with the Tories, who at least have promised a referendum to rid us of "Johnny foreigner". I'm not a huge fan of Labour either truth be told but my vote will always be against the nasty party
Not so picky about the NF though.
And why do you think it might be necessary for UKIP to have such a policy re: the BNP?
Mental how UKIP has all the support of the right wing bigots
Smaller party, less significant. Besides, I'm not particularly fussed about a person's past. Blair was once a hardcore communist yet the country still gladly elected him and I don't hold it against him for having one political opinion and then changing it, even if he did ruin the country afterwards.
Meanwhile Labour has ties with numerous paedophile groups who want to lower the age of consent (some into single digits), including the Paedophile Information Exchange. Do you see me using that as a point against Labour? Does this mean because Labour has the support of the paedophiles, we shouldn't vote for them?
I don't think it's too outlandish a prediction that there'll be another election within the year with neither Cameron or Miliband as their party leader.
Can't see Cameron going because he has relatively good approval ratings. If Ed doesn't become PM then I would expect to see him gone before August.
Can't see Cameron going because he has relatively good approval ratings. If Ed doesn't become PM then I would expect to see him gone before August.
I think he'll be gone if he doesn't get a majority this time.
I just wonder who they could replace him with who would do a better job and would also take approval higher than their party.
I do wonder if there is some sort of handover deal in place with Osbourne which is a terrifying prospect.
Pretty sure Boris Johnson fancies the job.
He's the most popular politician in the country by a long way. WorryinglySurely nobody north of Watford would vote for him? I hope not!