A rainy day it was a worldwide hurricane - Tory dogma its a joke if they had been in government it would have been the same our banks would have had to be saved, as for the debt under the Tories it has risen despite all the cutbacks, and stagnant economy which may head to minus inflation - the growth was 4 percent in 2010 it has dropped to around 2 percent 5 years of meddling productivity at an all time low, and exports low in a EU that's on the floor yes we are doing better than the EU countries , but they are in a meltdownOf course. The world fell into the trap of borrowing too much/saving too little. Whilst the government didn't cause the crash, they too fell into that same trap, which I suspect is the main criticism against the Blair/Brown years. They had a very favourable global economy, and didn't really stash enough away for a rainy day, instead succumbing to the hubris that they'd done away with rain.