It was unlikely in the extreme - the 2010 Labour manifesto certainly did not promise similar cuts to Osborne.
The Labour manifesto from 2005 broke at least 25 promises. Manifestos are great for little.
It was unlikely in the extreme - the 2010 Labour manifesto certainly did not promise similar cuts to Osborne.
Honest question: whether Labour or Conservative got in in 2010, things were going to have to change, financially. Things were going to have to be tougher, surely? So what exactly have the Tories done that is fundamentally worse than what Labour would have planned (or been forced) to do?
When do you vote?
So you don't think Labour would've implemented similar austerity measures? Surely even to show they were getting the house in order they'd have made cuts.
It does rather feel like the Tories are trying to lose this one.Labour were finished in 2010 - they had no idea what they were doing and were essentially unelectable. It's hard to say what they would have done as they were totally useless.
They still pretty much are today, but at least they've had five years to assess and come up with a platform to stand on - something they didn't have under Brown - and have largely got rid of the Blairite/Brownite war that was crippling them.
The reason Labour have a chance after just one term out is because the Tory ideological crusade against the poor has also hit the middle class, and people don't see the pain of it as endurable for another five years, especially when it's going to get worse.
My impression of the whole thing thus far is that the Tories as individuals at cabinet level in some way don't want to get elected, as they know they'd have to cut until at least 2019, and get no credit for the recovery at the end of it as they'd be booted out by a landslide, probably for another 20 years. Gut feeling is Cameron wants out, and they want a period in opposition for Boris Johnson to attack Labour as leader.
That might sound odd that a party doesn't want to govern, but it's been such a lifeless campaign from the Tories that one has to wonder if they have any motivation. The other consideration is that they already know that they need an electoral miracle to win at this point IMO.
Absolutely. What a mess.Michael Gove's ideological vandalism of the education system.
Labour were finished in 2010 - they had no idea what they were doing and were essentially unelectable. It's hard to say what they would have done as they were totally useless.
They still pretty much are today, but at least they've had five years to assess and come up with a platform to stand on - something they didn't have under Brown - and have largely got rid of the Blairite/Brownite war that was crippling them.
The reason Labour have a chance after just one term out is because the Tory ideological crusade against the poor has also hit the middle class, and people don't see the pain of it as endurable for another five years, especially when it's going to get worse.
My impression of the whole thing thus far is that the Tories as individuals at cabinet level in some way don't want to get elected, as they know they'd have to cut until at least 2019, and get no credit for the recovery at the end of it as they'd be booted out by a landslide, probably for another 20 years. Gut feeling is Cameron wants out, and they want a period in opposition for Boris Johnson to attack Labour as leader.
That might sound odd that a party doesn't want to govern, but it's been such a lifeless campaign from the Tories that one has to wonder if they have any motivation. The other consideration is that they already know that they need an electoral miracle to win at this point IMO.
Your suggestion that the Tories don't want to hold office after the general election was levelled at Labour in 2010. It's as much nonsense now as it was then. Its an excuse for failure to win.
I think elements of the Labour party didn't want a Brown government, and didn't have the appetite to deal with the financial crash after becoming stale after 13 years in power. In fact, I think that much is indisputable after what a few people have said since the election.
You never know the motivations of anyone in politics at the time of the event, but I'm just speculating on why the Tories are running a pretty inept campaign at present. Is it because they have a PM railroaded into promising an In/Out referendum on Europe that he doesn't actually want, which alienates any chance of a coalition with the Lib Dems as they'd never support it? Is it because the left wing vote share is too high to overcome? I don't know, but something seems wrong to me.
That's all very well and interesting and thanks for explaining again but what many of us are wondering is why should the poorest people have become poorer over the last five years whilst the richest have become much, much richer.
I'll ask you directly: Do you think it's right that, in the course of a nation recovering from a massive economic downturn, the richest should become richer and the poor poorer?
Michael Gove's ideological vandalism of the education system.
It may not be
, but the question is what to do about it. I mentioned in a previous post that the nature of work is changing such that it appears to be giving a greater share of the spoils to owners of capital rather than workers.
That isn't something the government have delivered as much as it is a change wrought from globalisation, technology changes and so on.
The question is what can be done about that. The example of France highlights how difficult it is to 'redistribute' via taxation more money than is already the case from rich to poor, especially as there is inevitable competition between nations on taxation. Many wealthy French people have decamped here for instance.
So, for me at least, it's less a question of whether it's right or wrong as what can realistically be done about it. I don't know what the answer is.
It seems likely that the trends driving the shape of work are only likely to intensify, so governments do need to get a handle on what's happening and how to respond to it I think.
Quite simply Austerity.
Despite the claims of the Tories there has never been a debt crisis in the UK. Yes, we have debt and we operate an annual deficit, but not once has there been a suggestion from the investment community that debt levels presented a problem. Look at interest rates and in particular the Government Bond yields - they've never suggested once that investors were concerned with our ability to service the debt.
Look at the performance of our economy over the last five years. Growth only appeared when the Conservatives scaled back their austerity programme in 2012/13.
The fear looking forward is that the scale of future cuts will kill off the limited economic recovery we have seen to date, with those reliant upon Government services most heavily hit.