Clever by Ed this. The 'YouTube Generation' is full of Young people who can vote, and seeing this can quite easily influence them. Very clever move by Ed.
It's sad that young people can actually be influenced by Brand.
Clever by Ed this. The 'YouTube Generation' is full of Young people who can vote, and seeing this can quite easily influence them. Very clever move by Ed.
Can you expand upon this statement please?It's sad that young people can actually be influenced by Brand.
Thought the same thing. Over the past year hes gathered immense following with his views on politics and the interview can quite easily decide this years election. Cameron turned down the opportunity to go on, and he's definitely missed a trick. Ed gets his points across well IMO, really good interview from him. No wonder the Tory papers are out in force attacking the interview.
Can you expand upon this statement please?
Oh well in that case.........Farage.Brand is an utter bell.
New poll out that suggests that the SNP will win every single seat in Scotland:
SNP 54%
LAB 20%
CON 17%
Never thought I'd see the day Labour would be wiped out in Scotland and the Tories only being 3pts behind them...
Oh well in that case.........Farage.
Could anyone have imagined the quiet, pipe smoking Wilson telling Lyndon Johnson to shove it when asked to join in the Vietnam horror? People are capable of surprising things.
Really? Honestly?I raise you a Balls......
why?It's sad that young people can actually be influenced by Brand.