If this exit poll is accurate it is a sad indictment of this country. All too quick to label Labour as unfit to Govern - most likely because it doesn't suit the agenda of those who own the means of production and the media. Granted that the likes of Blair were unfit to govern but that doesn't mean we can't level the same accusation at many a Tory for reneging on promises and shafting the Lib Dems over the past 5 years, for making the little man pay to keep the country afloat.. You know what? This country - and probably nearly every other country - is based on deceit. Deceit when it comes to kow-towing to Murdoch, to the management of the NHS, the bedroom tax and much more besides - the arguments against the EC and why we've gone to war in recent years. 5 more years of Cameron - ffs, not good enough. We don't decide this election. The idiots who are only concerned about their own little acres do. I'd gladly give up what little I have to see those Tory clowns sent to hell - my business is suffering because the people of Liverpool are suffering. Life is hell north of Watford and guess what, they don't care. (and don't get me started on UKIP and all the disaffected right wingers and xenophobes who support them for all the wrong reasons (most of which have been brought about by media pressure). Low quality Tories that they are.