No lack of respect here for Frazier. (He almost played Clubber Lang in rocky 3)
So far as the sport of boxing goes, it's zenith was that late 60's and then 70's period, middleweights in the 80's got close, but the true pinnacle was that heavy weight era. They were so good and there was less money and outside influence in it. Foreman made more money out of a grill than he did his entire sporting career. Now personalities are managed, it's endorsements, and specialist clothing ranges (Air Jordan), they can't say or show any part of their true self, just look at the mess Tyson made for himself.
Ali was clever, playing both sides against the middle, one minute the put upon stripped former champion, the next using the 'uncle tom' phrase to antagonise Foreman. I suppose the sport of beating another person has always been in the gutter. Glad king isn't involved much anymore, there's a scumbag I'll happily not miss.