At the end of a brutal week, there's nothing like getting quietly pished on your own, watching the wee blonde lassie from Game of Thrones get bummed senseless.
Bum her Khal Drogo lid FFS
Daenerys....i'd let her do me.
I'd probably let Drogo do me too........he is just SO STRONG!!!!!
Well. I do not remember a thing. All I know is the sofa has been washed and I dont have my wallet or phone.
The wrath will be faced after work :'( CONSOLE ME FFS
Boozing on a Thursday night? Those were the days
Why has the sofa been washed? Hiding the evidence?
Bummed the sofa, and attempted to pay for it? And then threw your phone in a boner rage.
I am iiiiiiiiilllllllllll. Someone hug me and tell me everything's going to be OK :'(
Just rang my mate. He's the same as me, doesnt remember a thing and how we got home. He also is missing a shoe and his credit card. Pretty sure we both fell asleep somewhere and got robbed...
Have you got a sore asshole?