What is Mansour doing exactly for Manchester? Does it change the fact that that football club is entirely at the mercy of his will and pocket? Does that make Man City one of the most financially risky clubs in England? No i absolutely would not want that for Everton, i think anyone who wants this high stakes roulette to continue in football is certifiable. We are going to end up with every club owned by a billionaire throughout Europe wanting to form a European super league with a cup comp to go alongside it. You give me the choice of the Man City business model and finances or the Arsenal one and i go for Arsenal every time and twice on Sundays. One is built on the building of solid financial assets and resources working to provide significantly higher revenue than most other clubs and the other is built on middle east sand. Thats my opinion. Arsenal are the best run club in the country by an absolute mile off the pitch and they can compete with top clubs in Europe without the need for a billionaire pumping money in left right and centre. They survive off their revenue and thats how every football club should be run.
I can't be bothered to get into a debate about Southampton but if you read this and tell me everything is rosy and been sorted out, then thats the reason i cannot be bothered to get into a debate -
http://prosoccertalk.nbcsports.com/...ortese-pochettino-liebherr-and-saints-future/ - Southampton have had a good season, but football isn't about a season, it's about stability, investment from revenue and a long term plan and success - if you think thats what they have at Southampton then........
Why will clubs need Champions league money less and less to survive? What exactly changes in the premier league when ALL the clubs in it are about to get huge money? Champions League money will still be a significant amount of extra revenue the clubs who qualify for it get thats the clubs who don't qualify for it don't get, add in the advertising and promotion of the brand and that top players will only want to play for clubs in the champions league and i see it as a basic necessity for any club wanting to be successful.