He's allowing himself and Everton to be defined by the media and Liverpool fans. He's tired of being called 'bitter'? Who gives a flying one what they think about Everton? It's basically ceding the terms of debate and terms of reference to the Kopites if it affects you to that extent.
They have a shameful history as an organisation. That, along with our own proud history, gives me an enormous sense of superiority over them, and it always will. No on-field success/lack of success or media plaudits for them/ignorance of us is undermining that. I have massive reserves of confidence and pride in Everton that cant be depleted by the ebb and flow of measurable numbers of support or column inches in scandal sheets.
It's one thing taking notice of Liverpool in a fashion that highlights their hypocrisy, contradictions, arrogance and lack of morality (I do it a lot of the time myself), but to obsess on the thoughts and words of scabs like the Echo and the Mirror and the broadsheets and SKY, and how they position us vis-a-vis them, is not something I'll ever get into. It's just insecurity to do so, and I'm 100% secure about Everton.[/QUOTE
While I agree with a lot of what you say it does grind my gears that rs agender is forced upon us by the media you mentioned, while we are by and large ignored, our history it seems to me is swept under the carpet. Do I care that I'm called bitter not one jot, I agree when you mention their shameful history, arrogance and so forth but when not one media outlet (sky, echo, mirror etc) brings any of these things up you know your fighting a losing battle. For me as long as this continues we will always be in their shadow, and while like you I'm 100% secure about Everton it would be nice to see them have a massive fall of that pedestal the British sports press have put them on and to be shown up for what they truly are.