Player Valuation: £35m
Do you believe everything you read in the press? Everything you have said you have backed up with guess work and anything you can find that remotely suits your agenda. You left me hanging on Manchester life? Are you for real? How can you leave someone hanging on a subjected they started by saying they knew nothing about? Thats some victory you've dreamt up for yourself.
You've said absolutely nothing, i repeat nothing, to reasonably argue the original point that Man City are at the mercy of one mans pocket and he could walk away at anytime. Man City need high level sustained success for his investment in the football club to even come close to recouping the investment, but i do look forwarding to reading a newspaper article about how Mansour is regenerating Salford's river canals
No quotes again about my conspiracies & sensitive information and no counter points apart from your own waffle.
This my friend is where I love you and leave you, there is quite literally no point in taking this any further.