With respect, any campaign by any group of supporters, be it Blue Union or anyone else that decides to campaign would be best served by removing the personal elements from the debate and concentrate on the issues as they see them.
Personal attacks on the very people who hold all the cards in terms of future decision making, strategy and ownership of the club is not a sensible strategy in my opinion.
For any meaningful progress to be made, you'll have to win the support and trust of the Board. Now you might say that's not possible and as supporters (and some are probably shareholders) you're entitled to express any view with regards to the club and the people who run and own it. Of course, that's true, but don't be surprised if you achieve nothing other than the satisfaction of expressing your views to a public audience.
There's only two ways to influence change in my opinion - (i) to win the trust and support of the Board through bringing added value either in terms of new propositions which the Board may be able to accept (this is a long game strategy though) or (ii) create a business case, find an investor/investors and other stakeholders (local authority & other funding organisations) and present a fait acompli which no reasonable Board or shareholder would refuse.
No-one doubts the passion for the club that anyone in BU or any other supporter group has. But for that passion to turn into effective action and ultimately investment and change of ownership there has to be a radical re-think in terms of strategy.