I'm not unappreciative of Kenwright. He has steadied our ship. And we could have worse chairmen (shock, horror!).That's all true but the signs are positive in my book. We're going in the right direction.
With each new crisis that befalls another club it's one more reason to be appreciative of Kenwright. I'm sure if you scrolled back through the old thread there would have been chat about Southampton and their new stadium etc etc. Or Newcastle under Ashley.
I don't disagree that we should want more and it is right to look angrily at the cash spent season after season by our Top 4 rivals. But you can't spend what you don't have without risking the whole thing.
Our best chance in my book of making the step up to the top level of English footy is for us to continue playing beautiful football across the continent this coming year. Maybe then with a supposedly better economic climate also to hand we might genuinely get a new owner/investor to move us on a notch.
However! I also am not going to accept that this is our place. We are currently highly successful on the pitch relative to the investment off the pitch. This can be chalked up to two very good managers handling the transfer market like wizards. My problem with the board stems solely from the lack of income. Spurs brought in double what we brought in last season in revenue. Double.
I get that there is a London premium, but until we can bring in more revenue then we cannot expect a larger expenditure. It seems that the club is happy using television deals, players sales, and the hope for Champions League qualification as our primary revenue boosts. This is what I take issue with.
We are steadied. We are stable. Now we must push on to greater heights, not just on the pitch, but off of it. We need the stadium situation dealt with and we need to improve Everton's profile and image. Without that we're swimming upstream to win anything. It's not impossible, of course, but it's a hell of a lot more difficult.
I question whether this board will ever have the ambition to reassert Everton as one of the biggest teams in the world, or if they're satisfied with Everton being the best of the rest.